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The game wont open on my laptop

Sorry to hear that!

Without more details, I have no idea what the problem is, so I can't really help!

Also, as this was just made for a game jam a while back, I'm unlikely to patch it any time soon, but feel free to checkout the source code if you're interested. A link is on the game page.

it will flash up with a command center looking app for a split seccond then close and nothing else will pop up.

Unfortunately, the "go north" command is not supported.

Also, there's no way to undo a command (i.e. "shoot" -> cancel -> "go") and the game crashes if you enter something besides a number when presented with choices

Deleted 7 years ago

Another user had issues with this, and I've finally got around to recompiling on an older Ubuntu release.

Hopefully, this new upload works on your version! The source is also available, and linked on the game page.

This would be great with a bit more put into it.  Its oddly enough actually fun outside the joke aspect of it.


Wow this obviously had a lot of time and love into it and is a neat concept. It would be amazing to see an actual text based online multi-player shooter XD. Anyway one thing I do want to mention is I'm doing a review of design on the games in this jam so here's a shameless plug to my channel if you want to be notified of the vid when released:

My XKCD game jam analysis is out!